Influenced by the ontological turn towards non-humans in the Anthropocene, Suturing Project (2023) deploys a framework guided by Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO) to scrutinise quotidian objects. The artworks wish to suture different objects and present the unification between organic and inorganic entities, emphasising the individuality and autonomy of all objects with novel assemblages.

Instead of taking on a flat (orthodox) relationship between the viewer, the work and the artist, this project explores the symbiotic relations between all objects. ‘Suturing’ as an artistic method employed in this project is a nod to OOO's tenet that objects maintain their identity even as parts of complex systems. While the simple combination of objects might be the first glance perception of ‘suturing’, this project is more inclined to show the difference, coordination and unification, presenting the activeness of objects when they are ‘forced’ to exist as art.

From an anthropocenic perspective, this project aims to helps us re-examining things which we think only exist for us. By embracing quotidian objects in this project’s working community, this project wishes to flip our accustomed thinking on them. Ultimately, it is hoped that the artworks can become means for us to collectively re-learn how to live, to do and to think in the anthropocene, for humans and non-humans are equal entities co-exhibiting the world.

Wet Floor Cone with Banana 

Man catcher with Snail

Thai police doing an exercise with man catchers, The Pattaya News, June 2022


(Fuel Guns with Vacuum Cleaner)

Collaboration with Huang Xuebin

Illustrative effects

Waiting For

(Fire extinguisher with Vladimir)

Hard Hat with Bee

